The below wedding bouquet pricelist is indicative pricing of our standard range of alternative bridal bouquets. We have bouquet options that we can make starting as low as $65.  We are happy to assess your needs on an individual basis and invite you to contact us with the details of your flowers budget, information about your wedding, size of bridal party and bouquet vision.  We will then work with you to come up with a customised solution.  Many brides believe alternative wedding bouquets are out of their budget, but often we have solutions that can involve simplifying designs or even coming to help work on the bouquets yourself (if you are local) that can reduce the costs.

Pricing is base price only. Extra charges may apply for upgraded fabrics, feather, swarovski embellishments, painted handles, crochet doily’s, feathers, velvet, lace etc.  We will always advise up front if you select a finish that will cost extra.

All small, medium & large bouquets come with a matching basic style buttonhole for the groom.

Usually a 50% deposit is required to confirm your order, however payment plans are also available, please ask for more information.  Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Every order is individually looked at and quoted – so please contact me today via the contact me tab and i will send you my quote form. Its easy to step through and you don’t need to be a computer whiz. However for those short of time, or limited PC access, i am happy to chat with you on the phone, skype  to go through the options for you.

Brooch Bouquets

Primarily brooches (Mainly, new, some vintage), includes a mix of other sparkly jewellery and some crystals and rhinestone buttons. Lots of bling.

  • Brooch Bouquet – Large $660*
  • Brooch Bouquet – Medium $500*
  • Basic Brooch Buttonhole $22*
  • Brooch Wrist Cuff  (no longer available)
  • Mini Brooch Bouquet $75

Unstructured / Rustic Bouquets

Primarily a mix of artifcal flowers and greenery this style is on trend but with a Nic’s Button Buds twist

Greenery can be things like eucalyptus, fern, willow, rose leaves, olive leaves or similar.

Flowers – roses, peonies, wisteria, frangipani, lilly, cherry blossoms, carnations, dahlia

  • Bride Bouquet – (one size) $250*
  • Bridesmaid Bouquet – (one size) $120* #
  • Flowergirl / Toss Bouquet – (one size) $75*#
  • Buttonholes – $20#
  • Table Runner – custom quote per metre
  • # – Accessories only available when purchased with a bride  bouquets of the same style.

Table runner is perfect to be made into wreaths to use as household decoration or Christmas presents after your wedding day.

Fabric Flower Mix Bouquets (GRAND)

Flowers handcrafted from fabrics such as lace, chiffon, satin, silk, organza, net, brooches, crystals, pearls and rhinestone buttons throughout the bouquet and hand beaded flowers scattered to finish.  The collar and handle are usually finished in 100% Italian silk, but other variants are available – usually at no additional cost.  The end product is a highly detailed and lavish bouquet.  A perfect heirloom.

  • Fabric Bouquet – Large $390*
  • Fabric Bouquet – Medium $320*
  • Fabric Bouquet – Small $270*
  • Fabric Buttonhole – $22

Fabric Flower Bouquets (BASIC)

Flowers handcrafted from fabrics such as lace, chiffon, satin,poly/silk, organza, net,  crystals, pearls and some small rhinestone buttons throughout the bouquet.

  • Fabric Bouquet – Large $275*
  • Fabric Bouquet – Medium $225*
  • Fabric Bouquet – Small $190*
  • Fabric Buttonhole – $22

Button Bouquets

Primarily buttons, both new and vintage. Consists of plastic, resin, glass and crystal buttons. Finished with pearls and crystals scattered through – it sparkles but is quirky. Definitely not for the faint of heart.

  • Button Bouquet – Large $350*
  • Button Bouquet – Medium $250*
  • Button Bouquet – Small $175*
  • Button Bouquet – Ity Bity $90*
  • Button Flowergirl Wand $55
  • Basic Buttonholes $17*
  • Button Wrist Corsage, starting from $55*

Silk Duiponi & Rhinestone Crystal Bouquets

Peonies formed by hand from silk duiponi and finished with rhinestone centres

  • Silk Duiponi Bouquet – Large $440*
  • Silk Duiponi Bouquet – Medium $360*
  • Silk Duiponi Large Single Stem – $70*#
  • Buttonhole (Basic brooch style) – $22*

#Note that the single stem is only available when buying a medium or large bouquet in this style.

Deluxe Mixed Media Bouquets

Artificial Silk Rose, Buttons, Brooches, Beads & Crystals.  There is also more crystal and bead stems in these than there is in the standard.

  • Deluxe Mixed Bouquet – Large $380*
  • Deluxe Mixed Bouquet – Medium $310*
  • Deluxe Mixed Buttonhole – $22*

Grand Mixed Media Bouquets

Artificial Silk Roses, Brooches, Beads, Crystals and hand beaded flowers.  There is also more crystal and bead stems in these than there is in the standard.

  • Grand Mixed Bouquet – Large $380*
  • Grand Mixed Bouquet – Medium $310*
  • Grand Mixed Buttonhole – $22*

Standard Mixed Media Bouquet

Artificial Silk Roses, Buttons, Brooch Centre, Beads & Crystals

  • Standard Mixed Bouquet – Large $280*
  • Standard Mixed Bouquet – Medium $210*
  • Standard Mixed Bouquet – Small $160#*
  • Standard Mixed Bouquet – Ity Bity $90#*
  • Standard Mixed Buttonhole – $20*

You can elect to have a small bouquet made with NO buttons if you wish. The standard mixed media have a brooch centre, while the deluxe medium and large have brooches right through the bouquet

Eclectic Mix Bouquet

These are created from an assorted of silk flowers of your choosing, crystal and bead bunches, rhinestone buttons and other materials such as wire and feathers (if the design calls for it).  They are designed to be lumpy and bumpy.  They have less detail than our other bouquets in terms of crystals and sparkle, but still have that wow factor.  We use contrasting flowers, textures and materials to give them a wow factor.

These bouquets are quoted on requested based on the exact requirements.  They are perfect as a low budget alternative, where you still wish to make an impact, as we design these based on your actual budget. Prices range from $220 – $350 depending on your exact requirements.

Simple Silk Rose Bouquet (Budget Bouquets)

Silk Roses with crystals scattered through, ribbon wrapped handle.  These are designed as a budget friendly alternative for your bridesmaids, flowergirls and toss bouquets.  Currently these are only available with the purchase of one of our other more elaborate and detailed styles from our standard pricelist.    These bouquets cannot be personalised like our other products, however there is a vast array of colour choices available.

Prices start from $65

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